They can all go to hell.
as some of you might have read last week, my mother had extremely low hemoglobin and without it, she would have died.
i have somehow managed to bring her to reason and accept the transfusion.
it saved her life.
They can all go to hell.
according to the newest watchtower:.
jehovah communicated with adam in the garden of eden, using human language.
god likely did so in an ancient form of hebrew.
Awwwww. . . .Come on, you cynical apostate bastards!
That's just good ole Brother McFeeley!
an older man and wife - ray and mary - got chatting to me today.
they were tourists admiring local wildlife.
i gave them a few tips on where to go to see some interesting things and it wasn't long before they were telling me about how awful the world is "nowadays" and paradise yadda yadda.
me personally.....i think....if it was meant to be mixed ...it would come in the bottle that way.. that said...bacardi gold.
christian and katja interview a young ex-jw.
what's with all this new kingdom hall building?
just watched jw broadcasting about their master plan for building new kingdom halls.
sounds like a big deal.
It's like you read my mind PANHANDLE GIRL!
I was just thinking, has anyone either seen or even heard of one of these new style halls going up?
The local hall was supposed to get one -- they're "at the top of the list"-- but alas NOTHING has materialized and the start dates continue to get pushed off 4-6 months into the future.
the past week has been hell for me.
my mother started feeling ill and we went to seek medical assistance.
we live in the mountains and the nearest large hospital is about 150 kms away.
COOKIEMASTER - glad everything worked out for you and your mom. You both made the right choice.
To be honest, I looked at the title of your thread and thought "I only WISH JWs would kill my mother!"
Sorry if that sounds morbid, but I suppose you can tell I'm not a big fan of my mother.
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
Well, I don't care whether it's a gold, silver or purple Apple watch.
Thing is. . . .
WHY IN THE HELL IS ONE OF CHRIST'S (yeah, that guy who didn't have a place to lay his head) BROTHERS SPORTING AN APPLE WATCH?
let me start off by saying i do not presume to have the answers, i am merely offering advice.. i will preface this posting with this, cutting a long story short:.
my sister was raped by a popular jw lad wh's dad happen to be a rock star elder.
in the attempt to fight him off his face was covered with scratches and it was reported to the police ( instead of rape he was sentenced on the lesser charges of sexual battery and assault) but he confessed to having violent, consentual sex.
All those years my mom was beside herself, not because she had no communication with her youngest son, but because she could not get me under her control.
Sounds like you had a whack job mother like I did. You were fortunate to get away young. . . . I hung around for years, and it wasn't until my wife pointed out how I was being manipulated left and right by her that I finally saw what was going on and cut ties.
Very interesting story, SSC.